PGWT and Fixed Term contract staff

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NUS Postgraduate Campaign and the University and College Union (UCU) have collaborated to produce a new Postgraduate Employment Charter.

The Charter outlines ten principles of good practice in the recruitment and support of postgraduates employed by their institutions, particularly as teachers. Unions are encouraged to work with their local UCU branch and within their institutions to discuss the principles of the Charter with key staff in graduate schools, HR departments and in local departments and schools to build a consensus around good practice in the employment of postgraduates.

The Charter also includes data from a survey of postgraduates who teach undertaken by NUS and UCU, and a summary of the rights in law of postgraduates in employment.

The principles of the Postgraduate Employment Charter

  1. Fair and equal appointment procedures.
  2. A fair rate of pay for all hours worked.
  3. Supervision or mentoring, line management, and review of progress provided by a suitably qualified member of staff who is not the research supervisor.
  4. Formal and informal feedback on performance and support for improvement.
  5. Induction and initial training.
  6. Support for appropriate continuing professional development.
  7. Representation within the institution and by a trade union.
  8. Integration into the professional academic culture.
  9. Access to the necessary facilities and resources required to undertake the role.
  10. A reasonable balance between employment and research.

A copy of the charter in leaflet form can be downloaded here

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