The local executive committee is given below, and we are always happy to hear from members or prospective members. If you want a message sent to all members of the executive and you are not yourself a member, please use the comment box on this page and ask for it to be forwarded.
The committee meets approximately every two weeks. If you would like to stand for or be co-opted onto the executive, please contact us.
President: Katie Smith (Student and Academic Services) –
Vice President: Jonathan Fanning (School for Business and Society)
Branch Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Tim Long (External Relations)
Equality Officer: Ana Duarte (Centre for Health Economics)
Membership Secretary: Jonathan Fanning – (School for Business and Society)
Health and Safety Officer: Christopher Crispin-Bailey (Computer Science) –
Pensions Officer: Liam Clegg (Politics) –
Environment Rep: Vacant
Ordinary members
Joanna de Groot
Dawn Lindsay
Kai Tsao
Luca Resti (PGR Student Rep)