The latest update for USS members from the UCU general secretary on the extended negotiation timetable and the approaching ballot deadline.
Dear colleague
Happy new year from us all at UCU.
Wherever you work and whatever you do the current proposals to end guaranteed USS pensions will drastically affect you and your family.
Just before Christmas we managed to persuade your employers to extend negotiations on USS until 23 January.
That makes the announcement of our ballot result on 19 January critical to the outcome of this dispute.
The law says we need at least a 50% turnout in each workplace so if not enough members vote in your institution you will not be able to join any national action the rest of the union takes.
We know that members have already voted in their thousands but I don’t want to leave it to chance.
Imagine how you will feel if you are stuck twiddling your thumbs while others take action to defend your pension!
If you haven’t got round to it please fill in your ballot paper and post it off today.
If you have already voted, please talk to your colleagues and ask them to do likewise.
Sally Hunt
UCU general secretary