The Pensions Dispute
Your branch executive thought that as members get back into the swing of term they would want to be updated on our dispute and the negotiations about the future of USS.
Firstly we remind colleagues that the Higher Education Committee agreed to SUSPEND our industrial action until 15 January in order to allow a finite period of time for further negotiations with the employers and the trustee board. That action was NOT TERMINATED and this week the union has notified the employers that it would resume on 16 January. This signals that UCU is not walking away from issues underlying the dispute, and that we are determined to use every means to achieve the best possible outcome from the negotiations.
Our suspension of industrial action has been followed by a series of meetings between UCU, the employers, the trustee board and various technical experts. Our negotiators will report on these negotiations to the Higher Education Committee next Wednesday (14 January) so that HEC can assess the position, and determine the best way to handle the next stage of the dispute, including the USS meeting on 15 January at which key decisions may well be made.
Your branch executive urges all members to continue their support for our position and the dispute, and to be ready to resume the industrial action next Friday. Any change in the situation will be reported as soon as possible but in the meantime we need to keep up the pressure.
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The Future of Performance Review
Colleagues may remember that last summer the university management attempted to change various aspects of the performance review process without negotiation with the unions as is provided for in our procedural agreement. Eventually unions and management began proper discussion and negotiation about the revision of the existing performance review process (dating back to 2004) late last term, and agreed to progress this revision in 2015.
It is therefore with surprise and concern that we have learned of a document from HR setting out proposals for a new approach to performance review, a document which has never been discussed, let alone agreed, with the campus unions.
It seems that our management is happy to breach the procedural agreement between themselves and the unions which states clearly that terms and conditions of employment (which include performance review) are matters for negotiation with the unions, and when they do appear to negotiate, to do so in bad faith.
Your branch executive has protested about this behaviour to the Director of HR and to the Registrar and will be raising this breach of the agreement at our JNCC. We urge all members to refuse to engage with the new proposals, whether as reviewers, reviewees, or departmental managers, since they not been through the agreed process of negotiation. We know that senior staff, like the rest of us, value the principles of partnership and trust which have always served industrial relations in this university well, and will share UCU’s wish to defend them against what seems to be the flagrant disregard and disrespect for staff signalled by this breach in our procedures.